A Waldorf-inspired approach to Early Childhood.

Nurturing children’s imaginations.

Seasonal Rhythms

Children will experience life in a predictable rhythm through seasonal activities, songs, stories, crafts, and snacks. This creates an anchor of support where the child can freely explore their own imagination and environment

Small Ratios

Your child will be in a class size no larger than six children. It will be a cozy, home-like, family environment free of the energy of a large center-like daycare or preschool.

Developmentally Appropriate

Young children are meant to explore the world and their environment to settle into their bodies and enliven their imagination. Children in The Lavender Cottage will be free of any expectation to sit and “learn” in the traditional sense. Play is their work and they are naturally learning in all they do. Children will be guided to open ended play, physical movement, outdoor exploration, and artistic expression. They will be enriched through predictable activities and community based tasks such as chopping vegetables and making bread.

Every Child is an Artist

Children will express themselves and their willing forces through free drawing with natural beeswax crayons and wet-on-wet watercolor painting. This is painting on damp paper and is more process-oriented rather than destination-driven. Wet-on-wet watercolor painting helps children experience the fluid nature of color. Children will also experience basic handwork through wet felting. Stories will be used to help introduce skills associated with drawing, painting, and handwork.

Activities you can work on together

While our programs encourage your little ones to become better independent learners, we’ve also included special opportunities for you to work together.

Keep their growing minds engaged